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Webster Lake Conservation Association


About Us

Special Messages

Donate to Webster Lake Dame Project. See Donate – Dam Project tab for details.

Annual WCLA Family Dixie Ride – June 15, 2024. See Events tab for details.

4th of July Fireworks Show – Saturday, July 6, 2024. See Events tab for details.

Water circulator models, options, and pricing have changed for 2024. See Weed Treatment tab for details.

Online payment of dues and contributions to Weed & Fireworks Funds is available through PayPal. See Pay Dues tab.

Follow Webster Lake news and activities on WLCA's Facebook page.

Help WLCA Stay in Touch by Providing Your E-Mail Address

WLCA has set up a Mailchimp account to communicate with residents of Webster Lake between newsletters, and to do so effectively and quickly about weed herbicide treatment dates and water use restrictions as well as other events and news concerning Webster Lake.

If you have not yet received an email from WLCA through either Mailchimp or WLCA's email account, please provide us your email address by contacting us at or through the Contact Us tab of this website. Please include your lake address in the notification for identification purposes. If you would like email notifications sent to multiple email addresses, please submit those to WLCA for entry into the Mailchimp system. WLCA will NOT share email addresses with any other organization or individual.

Webster Lake Conservation Association (WLCA), founded in 1950, is a non-profit organization serving residents of Webster Lake. Our Board of Directors and Committees work closely with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), The Watershed Foundation, and independent vendors to monitor water quality and aquatic plant life and to address elements in our watershed that could endanger the quality of our lake. In addition, WLCA sponsors the annual 4th of July fireworks display as well as social, recreational, and educational activities for all lake residents.

WLCA's mission is to represent and cultivate the best interests of its membership and property owners by assisting in controlling the inlet and outlet of Webster Lake; endeavoring to keep the lake clean and safe for fishing, swimming, and boating; and encouraging the property owners and members to work together for the improvement of the lake. WLCA's purpose is to make the region healthful, restful, and attractive in the belief that doing so will help to enhance enjoyment of the lake and maintain and/or increase lake property values as well as benefit local businesses and the community as a whole.


WLCA communicates to its membership and interested persons with this website, its Facebook page, Mailchimp, and by publishing and distributing Newsletters. The Newsletters tab contains links to current and past newsletters. Between newsletters, WLCA periodically sends important and time-sensitive email communications through Mailchimp. See the message box above for instructions on how to add your email address to WLCA's Mailchimp account.

The Lakes Begin with the Dam
The Lakes Begin with the Dam

Lake Management

Webster Lake Water Levels

The WLCA maintains the dam to control the lake's water level according to DNR regulations. Our volunteers maintain a database documenting the water level at the dam.

Water Quality & Vegetation Control

WLCA assists students from the Lilly Lake Center as Grace College in performing multiple water quality tests and secci dip clarity tests each year. These tests monitor oxygen, dissolved oxygen, phosphorous, nitrogen, pH, E. coli, and temperature. These efforts are vital in the decision-making process related to our lakes. WLCA also employs an independent contractor to provide aquatic plant studies to meet DNR requirements for herbicidal weed treatments and permits and to participate with the WLCA in discussing and advocating these matters with the DNR. WLCA has taken aggressive action to eradicate the notorious exotic Eurasian milfoil vegetation that has created havoc in many other Indiana lakes. See the Weed Treatment tab for current weed treatment information and history.

Weed Treatment

Information relating to weed treatment and water circulators may be found on the Weed Treatment tab.

Lake Area Safety

The Safety Committee places buoys to mark idle zones and potentially hazardous areas around the lake according to DNR regulations and directives. They also work with the fireworks vendor to ensure safety at the annual 4th of July Fireworks display. See the Information Links tab for additional safety and regulatory information.